
Summer School on Personal Income Taxation

The third edition of the Summer school on Personal Income

It has been Malta, and It has been great.

Last week I had the chance to present at the

The Quest for a New Fiscal Policy in Central Asia

On April 27th I had the privilege to deliver the

Sport e Fisco a Ferrara

Oggi Ferrara torna ad ospitare l'Avv. Iacopo Buriani,

Tax Competition in Canada and Europe

The University of Ferrar launches a 3ECTS Credits seminar on tax competition with Professor Lyne Latulippe (Sherbrooke) on April 26th, 27th and May 2nd.

Pillar II ... and More

Tomorrow in Lugano I will discuss the latest development of

European Tax Law and Multinational Corporations Balancing Fair Taxation with Fundamental Freedoms

In recent times the European and International communities have attributed

Shell Companies Within The European Fight Against Tax Avoidance and Evasion

I have recently attended the Shell Companies Within The European

Extraordinary Taxes for Extraordinary Times

The Department of Law, University of Ferrara, shall organize a two days event on March 9th and 10th 2023 on Windfall Profit Taxation, Wealth tax and digital tax.

The silk Road: Between Past and Future

Today, November 23rd 2022 I had the rare privilege to