Excess Profit Tax ... with a Roman View
I had the honor and the pleasure to lecture at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" on September 30th upon invitation by Professor Pietro Selicato, Director of the Master in International Tax Planning. Together with Rossella Miceli and Paolo Puri I discussed Windfall Profit Taxation and Excess Profit Taxes, a topic I have spent some time on in recent weeks and on which I published.
I came out with the idea that these kind of taxes are "Here to Last" as I pointed out in Ferrara some months ago during another event dedicated to this.
Here you can find the video recording of the entire event
... plus the slides I used on this occasion. Unfortunately both the video and the slides are in Italian, so of little or no use for my foreign followers.
If you are looking for something in English about the Italian situation on Windfall taxation you can still make reference to my short contribute on the Verfassungblog here: