
thi si s just more

A New Academic Year

Today in Cona (FE) the University of Ferrara inaugurated the

A View of Tehran

Just back from a three days visit in Tehran where

Finding in Doha

I have been invited by the University of Doha as

A laudatio for Wim Wijnen

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, colleagues, and friends, I must

L'applicazione dell'IVA e il sistema OSS per il commercio elettronico

An Idea of Ferrara

I know that this space is intended to share ideas and thoughts about taxation, but today I stumbled into a video that summarizes the Ferrara's spirit at best. Being non-native and non-resident ferrarese I didn't know it existed. Anyway, here it is: no words, just music .. and Ferrara.

Pro.di.git., Trib.Hub, e la formazione tributaria

L'intervento a margine tenuto nel corso del Convegno dedicato all'automazione del processi decisionali nelle Corti di giustizia tributarie e alla formazione.

Liechtenstein - Italy: the Double Taxation Convention

A two days event (12 December in Rome - University "La Sapienza" - and 13 December in Rovigo - University of Ferrara)

La Commissione Ue apre le sue porte ai dottorandi di ricerca targati UniFe presso la sede di Rovigo

Nella giornata del 3 ottobre 2023 a Bruxelles, presso la

Denken als Rechnen

Reasoning as Calculating: is it going to be true in